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     Our equipment & services  
Doosan Vertical Machining Centre
Vertical Machining Center
Horizontal Milling & Boring Machine
Deep Hole Drilling and Boring Machine
Large Numerically Controlled Lathe
Numerically Controlled Lathe
Numerically Controlled Lathe
Series CW Horizontal Lathe
Horizontal Lathe
Internal and External Grinder
Universal Miller, Bed Type
Horizontal Miller
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Office address: Unit G, 8thF, ShangHao Plaze, No.159, Handan Rd. Shanghai 200437, PRC
Min hang factory: No.508-4, Zixu Rd. Min Hang District, Shanghai 201111,PRC
Bao shan factory: No. 855-2, Baoqi Rd. Baoshan Urban Industrial Park, Shanghai 200444,PRC
Trading line for overseas only:
Tel: +86 21 55039109
Fax: +86 21 55880277
Email: stephy.xixie@gmail.com